Friday, January 25, 2019

Proverbs as Affirmations: Neighbors and Enemies

In writing yesterday's post, I had an epiphany of sorts. I shared my ponderings about God, and came to the realization, that the God that is Spirit, is the God that rings true for me. I still believe in God, and I still believe in this project. This morning, I felt more empowered to continue on with it.

And now onward, with Chapter 25.

Chapter 25 of the Bible Proverbs has one of my favorite verses, which was pretty consistent in the different Bibles: A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.

I didn't want to use any verse word for word, so below is the affirmation that I wrote in its place.

I speak kindly and wisely; it is like a picture of beauty.

Correction given by an experienced person to an obedient listener is valuable.

I speak correction in kind ways.

Neighbors are mentioned in this chapter as well.

I only visit my neighbors now and then, keeping my welcome fresh.

Building trust in yourself to choose the kind action is only part of it. We are also encouraged to see these traits in others.

I depend on those that are reliable.

I am at peace in myself.

Chapter 25 also tells us what to do when we don't feel like we are in the company of reliable people.

If another is hungry, I feed them.

If another is thirsty, I give them water to drink.

I changed the word enemy (that was in the Bible) to another, to help think of others in a better light and to not already give anyone a label.

Read more enlightening affirmations in Proverbs as Affirmations. The highlighted text links below the picture will take you to Amazon.

There is a journal version (8-1/2 by 11 inches, pictured on the right), which includes lines to write the affirmations for added reinforcement, or the portable smaller version (6 by 9 inches, pictured on the left), without lines, which is easier to carry.

Much blessings to you on your journey.

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Cheryl Paton

Visit here to read the Next Day's Post.

Visit here if you would like to read from The Beginning.

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